My goal for the diploma course at ALT School of Programming is to acquire sufficient skills in Frontend Development to enable me become self-reliant. Also, as a Front End Developer my main goal is to combine technology and design to create inviting, easy-to-use websites for consumers, get a remote job as a junior frontend developer. Alsoto be able to futher my career into being a fullstack developer.
My past education icclude:
- Aunty may primary school
- Godswill primary school
- Divinity comprehensive college part secondary school
- Kobivill secondary school
- Wolcrest comprenhensive college
- Altschool africa of technology (ongoing)
My different certificates i have ccollected over the years include:
- Junior primary school certificates
- senior secondary school certificates
- west african entrance examination certificates[WAEC]
- joint admission matriculation board examination certificates{JAMB}
- sololearn css, html and javascript certificates
- freecode camp html and css certificates
- progate web development certificates
Job experience
My job experience include:
- freelance technical writter
- content writer
- junior frontend developer at dev careers
- >junior frontend developer at Altschool
- HNG intern
Hobbies & skills
my hobbies and skills include:
- playing games
- reading and surfing the internets
- learning new things